ARTPRESS - dedicated communications and consultancy for art, culture, business and tourism

We showcase your projects using impactful storytelling and inspiring formats.

"The collaboration with ARTPRESS for the international literature festival berlin was an enrichment on all levels. The press work was of the highest quality, characterized by well-founded texts and a deep understanding of our festival. Their professionalism and advice were outstanding and contributed significantly to the success of the festival. We are very grateful to ARTPRESS for their excellent support."

Lavinia Frey, director of the international literature festival berlin (ilb) 2023

“With its distinctive understanding of digital media and art, ARTPRESS has successfully contributed to further establishing the VR Art Prize in the art world. We are impressed by their professionalism and personal commitment."

Christine Faßnacht, Project manager of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB in Cooperation with CAA Berlin

“With ARTPRESS we found a PR agency in 2018 that provides us ideal strategic advice and generates an international media response.”

Claudia Emmert, Director Zeppelin Museum

"We have worked with ARTPRESS several times since 2021 to strengthen our presence in the German media landscape. ARTPRESS has proven to be a reliable partner in terms of consulting, project management and media relations."

Isabelle Beilfuss, Head of Communications,Museum Tinguely, Basel

“Excellent media contacts, flawlessly organized press trips and flexible – collaboration that’s fun!”

Helma Kremer, Head of Market Development Düsseldorf Tourism

"Committed, competent and focussed: We appreciate the pleasant and successful collaboration with ARTPRESS."

Lena-Sophia Nachbaur, Communications Hilti Art Foundation & Barbara Wagner, Head of Press and Communications Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein

“Thanks to ARTPRESS we have an overwhelming media response.”

Dr. Christiane Stahl, Director Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation

"We have been working with ARTPRESS since 2021 to increase our presence in the German-speaking media landscape. ARTPRESS has proven to be a great partner in both consulting and media relations."

Christian Mosar, Director, Konschthal Esch Luxemburg

We add resonance to your ideas and topics

We generate international recognition for your projects with our passion and expertise.

Producing. Mediating. Networking.

We strive to create a broad echo in media and the public for our clients and projects from the arts as well as busines sector.

On the radar of the public, media, and opinion leaders

We shape topics and discourses using our creative PR strategies and broad network.

Interdisciplinary. Creative. Dedicated.

With an international mindset, we advise and guide our clients through an ever-changing cultural and media landscape.

Text and image material for download

Here you find relevant information for press and media outlets.

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